The Blogging Right Along Basics

Common Sense Terms Of Service

Our members ask questions about getting the most from Blogging Right Along while staying within the terms of service. This page is meant to clarify those boundries. Your use of Blogging Right Along is subject to this framework which is explained more thoroughly in legalese on the official Terms of Service page.

We Understand Your Privacy Concerns.

On the issue of privacy, note that Blogging Right Along will store the administrative username and password for your various blogs. We don't have an interest in combing through your account. Our business is content generation and, in order to autopost to your blog(s) for you, we need this type of direct access. If you are uncomfortable with Blogging Right Along having direct access to your blog(s), we're sorry.

Blogging Right Along Is A Content Provider. We Do Not Provide Technical Assistance For Blogs.

Blogging Right Along is in the business of providing blog content to busy professionals. We provide helpful "starter" videos on our website, but Blogging Right Along does not retain a support staff for technical, blog-related issues. If you are in need of technical assistance for your blog, please contact your blog platform's help desk, or ask a friend.

How We Determine Our Posting Schedule

Blogging Right Along writes and posts new content every calendar day, except those which are considered either a federal holiday (e.g.; President's Day, Christmas), or a weekend; and on those on which the stock and/or bond market is closed (e.g.; Good Friday). You'll get 250 blog posts per year from us, give or take a few, depending on the calendar.

How We Protect Your Credit Card And Billing Information.

Blogging Right Along processes credit cards through Authorize.NET and uses that vendor's Customer Information Manager to manage monthly billing. None of your credit card information is stored on the Blogging Right Along servers. We do this for security reasons. Furthermore, because Authorize.NET's policy is to mask credit card numbers and expiration dates from merchants like us, we couldn't view your billing information even if we tried. This should make you feel safe.

Memberships Are Monthly And May Be Canceled At Any Time.

All Blogging Right Along memberships are monthly and billed on the first day of the new monthly cycle. There is no long-term contract and no sign-up fees. Memberships also come with full-featured trial periods. You may cancel at anytime during your trial and receive a 100% refund on all membership monies paid. After your trial period is over, should you choose to cancel your membership, you will not be entitled to a partial refund for any "unused portion" of the current month's membership fees.

The Risks of Blog Posting Via API.

The Blogging Right Along business model leverages publicly-available APIs to post directly to our members' blogs. Sometimes, APIs and the methods to access APIs change. These changes rarely occur without warning which means we will generally have ample notice to make the appropraite changes to our code. However, if an API changes unexpectedly and it causes our service to break, we'll work to make the fix. Recognize that some APIs are owned by third-parties and changes may force us to alter the way we do business.

Software Can Break.

Like all software, Blogging Right Along is bound to face technical troubles and/or unexpected errors. We certainly don't want our product to have bugs, but it does happen. If Blogging Right Along fails in the technical sense, we'll evaluate the cost of the fix versus the perceived benefit to our members. In nearly all cases, we fix the bug. In some cases, however, we may choose to leave the bug as-is as a "known issue". You can't hold us responsible for personal or business matters related to technical errors or other bugs.

Accounts Are For Your Personal Marketing Only. You May Not "Share" An Account.

Blogging Right Along is not a "sharing" product. We expect the consumers of our content to be paying subscribers. Legitimate business partnerships may jointly own an account, but individuals may not. As an example, a real estate team comprised of a buyer's agent and a seller's agent may share an account and not be in violation of these terms. That team may not share their account with a lending partner, however, nor another real estate agent in the office.

We Are Vigilant Against Copyright Infrigement.

Blogging Right Along produces content for our members' personal use. But when non-members misappropriate content, it is harmful to our paying members, and to our business. Therefore, Blogging Right Along adds hidden text strings to its licensed blog content to help track whom is using our licensed content and for what purpose. The hidden text helps us to identify copyright infringement and other service term violations. Hidden text in your licensed blog content is visible only in its source code -- not your blogs' web-based readers. You may not remove this hidden text for any reason.

You May Not Spam The Internet With Your Licensed Content.

It is a violation of the Blogging Right Along Terms of Service to submit your licensed content to third-party websites whose main business is news aggregation. This includes ezine repositories and most "industry news sites". We want you to have a broad reach with your licensed content but you may not use it to generate advertising revenue for third parties, or for a commercial application. In good faith, we expect you to use Blogging Right Along content for personal use only.

We Track How You Found Us.

Blogging Right Along advertises online and collects data to determine which venues are profitable and which are not. Part of this evaluation process requires us to store small piece of data in your browser called a cookie. There is nothing harmful in the cookie and you can delete it at any time.

You Assume Some Risks When You Edit Blogging Right Along Content.

Blogging Right Along produces content that is free of copyright infringement and we stand behind this pledge. Our charts, text and graphics are either home-grown or specifically licensed for use. If you edit a specific Blogging Right Along post in any manner whatsoever, this pledge is nullified. We can't be responsible for content once it's been edited.

We Try To Be Consistent, But The Timing Of Daily Posts Will Vary.

Blogging Right Along makes posts every business day and our content is usually posted prior to 10:00 AM ET. However, on some days, we miss our deadline. It doesn't happen often, but it happens. Sometimes, we'll notify you of the delay and other times we won't. If the delay is major or related to a technical issue of some kind, we'll notify you either by email or other means.

We Will Market To You From Time-to-Time. Responsibly.

We are a marketing company and we know the value of a good database. We also know that sending you spam will kill our goodwill. Therefore, expect to receive specific marketing messages from us on occasion. You can opt-out of these emails, but we think you'll benefit from getting them. For example, the messages we like to send out are the ones with discount codes to industry conferences you're probably attending anyway, or the ones with tips on doing a whole lot more with your blog with minimal effort. We don't spam. We know you'd hate us for it.

Businesses Can Change, Merge, Or Fail. If It Happens To Us, We'll Treat You Fairly.

Blogging Right Along has been writing blog content every business day since 2006 and we have been profitable since Day 1. However, it's possible that our business model could change materially at some point in the future. Should this happen, we will offer refunds on current memberships on a prorated basis.